Thursday, June 7, 2012

Painted Tweeties

I recently hand painted thistles on 1 1/2"mother of pearl beads as pins for my bridesmaids, and a necklace for me for my wedding. When venturing into a new medium or project there is always problem solving involved. With this one it was what to coat the paint with so that it wouldn't bleed or bubble or run, or do anything but create a shiny perfect seal.....mission accomplished! Now that I have a few birdies painted, look for tigers and lemurs and other wildlife in the future. I have begun EENSY, TINY painting again on celluloid pens and boxes as well.....look for them soon. Designs for the animals will have minimal bling and have an earthy, more organic feel.....getting away from glitter this season (SHOCK>>>I know!!)....simplicity is where it's at in my heart right now.

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